[Fictionary] Hasma results: the eyes have it!

Pierre Abbat phma at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Tue May 2 22:55:48 EDT 2017

hasma - n. - an inflammation of the cornea of the eye.
by Linda Owens. 9
2 points for amplexus
Ranjit: 1 point
David: 2
J-J: and one for the pinkeye.
Nick: 1 point.
Josh: two votes

hasma - n. - a pilaf made with nuts and dried fruit, often a breakfast dish.
by Fran Poodry. 7
Ranjit: 2 points because i'm hungry
David: 1
Nick: 2 points. Sounds like what I put in oatmeal!
Josh: one vote

hasma - n. - fatty tissue found near the oviducts of frogs.
Found in Wikipedia. 4
Linda: I'm going to have to give two points to the frog oviduct malady, as 
it's that time of year for frog eggs, and my grandkids are frog fanciers.
J-J: Two points for the frog fat
J-J: Having cast my ballot, I looked it up and see that I'm right about the 
frog fat, but the Google hits list it as a dessert made from same.  Ew.

Hasma - n. - a god, fourth child of YS and UN, known for impulsivity and 
violence, and for having accidentally created humanity.
by Ranjit Bhatnagar. 3
Fran: 2 pts
Linda: One point for the impulsive humanity creators.

hasma - n. - narwhal tusk used as an amulet, or in powdered form, as a folk 
by Jean-Joseph Cote. 2
2 points for pop ribbits

hasma - adj. - a bluish green, roughly between aquamarine and turquoise (named 
for certain striations in rock common to the vicinity of Rome).
by Jeff Hutchinson. 1
Fran: 1 pt

hasma - n. - a Middlesex lung affliction.
by David Randall. 0

hasma - n. - an amalgamation of hair and dried excretions clogging a drain 
by Nicolas Ward. 0

Linda: Pretty good selection with no clear guess.  Hasma does sound like an 

Jews use a lunisolar calendar; Muslims use a solely lunar calendar.

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